Friday, May 22, 2020

Printing Press The Most Influential Event Of The...

The Printing Press is known as one of the most influential event of the Renaissance. The printing press is an apparatus that applies pressure to an inked surface resting upon a print medium (such as paper or cloth), which then transfers the ink to the paper. This machine was generally used for texts(words and writing). The development of the Renaissance by the Printing press had a significant impact in that it allowed to easily keep records, develop better education, and efficiently mass produce things. â€Å"First, the linen rags, were broken down into fibers. Second, the fibers were formed into a durable sheet of paper. The suspended fibers were created by pounding the rags in water. After the pounding, the fibers were then ground into pulp on stones and processed into a pasty liquid in a vat of water.The paper maker, then lowered a sheet of metal mesh into the slurry covering the mesh with the linen cellulose paste. The mold was lifted above the slurry as it was gently shaken, allowing the excess moisture to drain. The delicate, damp sheet was then carefully removed from the mold and placed between two pieces of felt on the flat table of a screw press. Then, the process was repeated and another wet sheet was added to the stack and topped by felt, and so on until a suitable stack of paper and felt separators was achieved. The stack was then squeezed with the press to purge as much water as possible from the sheets of paper. The sheets were then hung up to dry on a lineShow More RelatedInfluence Of The Renaissance On Modern Europe1174 Words   |  5 Pagesdevelopments and events have transpired in Europe during these years; none of which were more significant than the Renaissance, the Protestant Reformation, and the French Revolution. 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